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Why Choose Nutri-Serve?

  • It’s What We Do: School food service is our exclusive focus. Nutri-Serve currently serves 90 school districts (over 290 kitchens) in the New Jersey and Pennsylvania area. School Food service is our industry, focus and passion. We successfully design and implement K-12 food service programs.

  • We Read the Labels:  The Nutri-Serve Corporate Menu is designed with a focus on nutrition. The menu is evaluated for nutrition, regulation compliance, costs, and student preferences. Each menu is then tailored by the Foodservice Director to meet the needs of the individual district. Nutrition education is integrated throughout all menus and is supported with healthy marketing on the serving line. 

  • We Make the Deals: We have purchasing power. Nutri-Serve is a member a national purchasing group. Our Purchasing Department works to negotiate the best prices on all food and paper goods. Our company also specializes in NJDA Commodity Processing so you can be assured your money is being well spent.

  • We Work Together: Districts are not just managed by a foodservice director. They are supported by an entire team of professionals. We work together to provide the great food and excellent service to maintain happy customers. Our leadership team, as well as food service directors, meet on a monthly basis and share ideas to continuously improve their programs. We strongly uphold our value of providing great service and believe that this is achieved and maintained with proper support at all levels of the company.

  •  We’re on the Ball: With the implementation of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act, Smart Snacks Regulations and the continuing changes to the National School Breakfast and Lunch Programs, we stay informed. Nutri-Serve is on top of all the industry news and changes. We work with the districts on new programs, regulation changes,  and Administrative Reviews.


  • We Watch the Bottom Line:  We work to develop a realistic budget for your program to operate the most cost effectively. Nutri-Serve earns a contractual management fee included in the food service budget. All profit made goes back to your district's cafeteria account. We encourage revenue boosters like catering, a la carte sale and teacher lunches to benefit your lunch program and to help keep money within your district. 

Nutri-Serve Food Management, Inc. is an equal employment opportunity employer.


P.O. Box 297

4431 Route 130 South 

Burlington, NJ 08016-2278
Tel: 609-386-8686

© 2024 by Nutri-Serve Food Management, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 

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